viernes, 14 de abril de 2017

Santa Claus on Sled by Taiko Niwa

Santa Claus on Sled by Taiko Niwa
Santa-Claus-TaikoOrigami Santa Claus by Taiko Niwa
Designer: Taiko Niwa
Folder and Photographer: @Origami_Kids
Difficulty level: Easy. Time to fold 15 min. 20 steps. One uncut square origami piece of paper red and white about 25cm x 25cm.

Diagram in Monthly Origami Magazine Nº 280 by NOA (Nippon Origami Association) Page: 12
How to fold, at the end of the page

How to fold the Origami Santa Claus on Sled

Option 1. Recommended by @origami_kids
Option 2. Diagram.
Google has a lot of information. Through a simple Google search I found this web site: How to fold Here!
If you decide to use it, you will leave to another site, and what you do next is on your own responsibility.

The post Santa Claus on Sled by Taiko Niwa appeared first on Origami Christmas.

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