martes, 10 de enero de 2017

Santa Claus by Marcela Brina

Santa Claus by Marcela Brina
Santa Claus by Marcela Brina
Designer: Marcela Brina Folder and Photographer: @Origami_Kids

Difficulty level: Easy . Time to fold 10 min. Folded from two squares of origami paper red and white, about 15cm x 15cm

How to fold Here!

Option 1.  
Video Tutorial: 



This is the list of all the origami models, that we have published in this category: Origami Santa Claus

Santa Claus en Pajarita by Luis Fernandez

Santa Claus on Sled by Taiko Niwa

Origami Santa Claus 3B by Giang Dinh

Santa Claus by Jun Maekawa

Santa Star by Fumiaki Shingo

Père Noël (Santa Claus) by Nicolas Terry

Santa Claus by Tomoaki Ono

Santa Claus by Toshi Takahama

Santa Claus 1 by Giang Dinh

Babbo Natale by F. Scalambra

San Nicolas en la Barca by Luis Fernandez

Two-fold Santa by Paula Versnick

Origami Santa Claus by Katsushi Nosho

. I'm Sorry Santa!

Origami Santa Claus by Eiji Tsuchito

Pajarita with Christmas Cap

Santa Claus and Sled by Sanae Sakai

Father Christmas by Steve and Megumi Biddle

Santa Claus by Anita Barbour

Santa Claus by Kunihiko Kasahara


The post Santa Claus by Marcela Brina appeared first on Origami Christmas.

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