miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Origami Cat by Roman Diaz (Updated)

cat by Roman DiazOrigami Cat by Roman Diaz Designer: Roman Diaz Folder and Photo: Origa MiKids Difficulty Level: Medium. 34 steps Folded from a one classic Black and White rectangular origami paper This lovely Origami Cat best folded with dual coloured ,rectangular paper … Continue reading

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Casa de la Colonia Tovar de Papel

Casa de la Colonia Tovar de PapelCasa de La Colonia Tovar Casa de La Colonia Tovar de Papel Dicultad: Facil (pero largo). Tiempo utilizado: 5 horas Papel utilizado: Paredes: 16 hojas de papel de origami blanco y marron. 4 hojas de 14 cm x14 cm y … Continue reading

The post Casa de la Colonia Tovar de Papel appeared first on Origami Christmas.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Few Paper Airplanes Tips From Ken Blackburn

Plane_ManFew Paper Airplanes Tips From Ken Blackburn 1. Aircraft stability (all airplanes) is improved when weight is added to the front of the plane. 2. Generally the farthest flying paper airplanes are the standard pointed ‘dart’ types. For extra distance … Continue reading

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Origami Santa Claus by Yasuhiro Sano

Origami Santa Claus by Yasuhiro SanoOrigami Santa Claus by Yasuhiro Sano Designer: Yasuhiro Sano Folder and Photographer: Origami Kids Difficulty level: Easy. Time to fold 5 min. 10 steps. One square origami Red and White piece of paper about 20cm x 20cm. Diagrams in Origami … Continue reading

The post Origami Santa Claus by Yasuhiro Sano appeared first on Origami Christmas.

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

Halloween Cat by Fred Rohm

Halloween Cat by Fred RohmHalloween Cat by Fred Rohm Halloween is almost here, so why not fold these clasic Halloween Cat to decorate your home?. Do It yourself whith your kids. This Cat model is among the most successful of all origami cats for … Continue reading

The post Halloween Cat by Fred Rohm appeared first on Origami Blog.

Santa Claus by Tomoaki Ono

Origami Santa Claus by Tomoaki OnoOrigami Santa Claus by Tomoaki Ono Designer Tomoaki Ono Folder and Photographer: Origami Kids Difficulty level: Easy. Time to fold 15 min. 32 Steps. Folded from a one classic Red and White rectangular origami paper, about 5cm x 20cm. Folding … Continue reading

The post Santa Claus by Tomoaki Ono appeared first on Origami Christmas.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

Trimming And Flying

paper airplane 02Trimming And Flying For FOLD AND FLY paper aircraft, the gap between theory and application is this one. Two things make a successful paper airplane: proper nose weight and correct trim. Since my designs are already well balanced, let is … Continue reading

The post Trimming And Flying appeared first on Origami Blog.